PRB Mudweights & Shows
The mudweight and shows database contains 1800+ data points from 315 well locations. To build the dataset we reviewed mudlogs for mudweight values and the mudloggers annotations of cut, fluorescence, gas kicks, flares and oil on the pits. The team made comments about each show and also subjectively classified them based on all of the data reviewed in the basin. The data come as a series of raw data points, gridded values and specially formatted data tables. The raw data and grids can be used in Petra, Petrel, ArcGIS and many other geospatial programs. The package contains preformatted files for input as zone items or interval items in programs such as Petra.
Gridded Data
We gridded numerical data using the Kriging algorithm in Golden Software's Surfer. The kriging method is excellent in cases where spatial data are irregularly spaced. We then reviewed each grid with respect to the basin context and edited the grids based on data quality and density.
Key Cretaceous Intervals
Mudweight values were determined for key intervals using a proprietary set of stratigraphic tops. We assigned mudweights to key formations where weight measurements were recorded within a reasonable vertical distance of the formation of interest. Key intervals range from the Teapot to the Dakota with data in carbonate, shale and sandstone formations.
Data Tables
Data tables are organized so the data can easily be imported, mapped or assigned to a depth in a multitude of programs. Where applicable, there are also associated loader files so that imports are fast and simple.